Ivy is our newly 2 year old, blue harlequin. She comes from health tested lines with a great pedigree! She is 140lbs and 33inches at the shoulder.
She is happy & loving. She tends to be protective of her humans until she's given the 'ok', then she's wiggle butt excited to get attention.
She is Pennhip (.35), OFA echo, OFA eyes, LEMP & IMGD Clear. She is a blue harlequin that is double KB.
* Billi*
Molly is a grand puppy from our original lines (Emmy / Oakley). She is 2 years old, 145lbs and 35 inches at the shoulder.
She is very social and gentle. She loves attention and will follow you just about anywhere!
She is Pennhip (.31), OFA cardiac, LEMP & IMGD Clear.
She is a merle that carries single kb and blue.
Billi is harlequin we produced here (Margo x Boomer). She is fun, loving & always at your side. She averages 140lbs and is 35 inches at the shoulder. She has had a clear Echo (cardiac), Clear Eyes & Pennhip testing. She is IMGD clear & carries Fawn & blue.
* Mara*
Mara is a pup we produced (Huck x Finley) that has been Pennhip, Echo & EKG tested. She is a fawn harlequin that carries piebald. She is a fun loving, goofy girl with a ton of heart. She weighs 120lbs and is 33 inches at the shoulder.